Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Today was a big day for Nolen. He got Braces! He for some stange reason he has been very excited about this UNTIL we got there and then he was very nervous. He told me that he was nervous and scared but he did great. Dr. Blackman and the assistant that did most of the work said he did great and was no trouble at all. He has just now starting to hurt a little. Here are a few pictures.

Before Braces and still a little sleepy.

During the process

The big smile with a mouth full of red and blue metal!

Friday, March 7, 2008

My little City Slicker!

Nolen has often been accused of being a city slicker. But look out Nolen got his hunting license yesterday. He went through a 2 week class that taught him everything he needs to know to shot a gun. I am still not sure about this idea. I just thought we would take the class (because I agree that he does need to know all he can about guns since he has several friends that have guns and hunt all the time) and then that would be the end of that but..........Nolen has gotten all into this. Him and PawPaw spent last night looking at all PawPaw guns and they were making me so nervous. Dad says he is going to take Nolen out and let him start shooting more. I don't think I will be watching.

The test that Nolen took had 125 questions and he only missed 10 so I was very proud of him. Then we went last night for the final test shooting a gun! Nolen did everything correct. The first 2 shots were high but then the last 3 were on the target. I thought this was great. I was so proud of him!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nolen's Birthday

Nolen's birthday was last Tuesday but we celebrated with a couple of friends last night. I am in need of nerve pills now! Just kidding they were good just rowdy boys.

First we went for pizza and then we were off to watch APSU basketball team take on Tennessee Tech. It was a very exiciting game if came down to the last few seconds for a win by APSU. They enjoyed the game. So now let the fun start. Once we got home at about 10:15 the party started. They got out the Wii and starting bowling. Well after a few game of betting everyone Nolan aka Moose thought he was something until he took on me. He thought he had me beat but I came through and I whipped up on him. Finally I went to bed and woke up about 1:30am to find them still up playing. Nolen was getting tired and told me he was going to bed. He wanted everyone to sleep in the den but the other 2 decided to leave him alone in the den and they went and got in his bed. I told them that it was Nolen night and they should stay with him. You know how it is sometimes with 3 - someone get left out. They did come back in the den and watch some more TV with Nolen. So back off to bed for me.

At 4:00am I heard Hunter aka Tick and Moose in the kitchen so I got back up and they were in my cabinets try to find peanut butter to play a prank on Nolen since he was the first to sleep. I would not let them put food on him becasue he was on the couch and I did not want to ruin it. But I finally gave in and let him put toothpaste all on his face. I told them to go ahead but to remember that Nolen was a early riser and pay back was rough!!!!!!

Nolen got up around 7:45am and I let him go into his bedroom and pour and bottle of ice cold water on each of them. Needless to say that the bed was soaked. They rose pretty quickly after that! Then back to the fun and nosie of rowdy boys!

Over all I guess they had a great time. Nolen wanted to know when they could do this again. I need to catch up on my sleep since I was up and down all night long.

Moose just remember who is the queen of Wii bowling!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a wild week!!!!

Well as most of you know I spent the week in Knoxville with Jennifer. Since she has spent the last 3 weeks in bed all she does is sit on the computer. Thank goodness Santa brought her a laptop for Chrsitmas or she would be out of her mind. But since she has all this free time she has started blogging!! She has begged me all week to set up one so finally last night she did this for me. So I will give it a try not sure how much time I will have. But this is a good way to keep everyone posted on my star.

Alot of you may wonder why the name of my site is hammertime. Well this is Nolen;s baseball nickname given to him when he was 6 years old by his coach. Nolen at 6 could really hammer the ball to the outfield and got in the park home runs almost everytime he was up to bat. He has contuined to play every since. Tim and I spend every extra penny we have on his baseball! Hopefully one day he will make it big and take care of us!!!!

Not only does he play baseball but he also plays basketball. Last week started tournaments for his basketball team. I did get to see that game before leaving to go to Knoxville. I did miss his game yesterday but they played at noon and won that game so they played the championship game at 3pm. I was hating that I was missing this but between Tim, mom and dad they keep me posted. We did win this game also so they were the CHAMPS. But what I did not learn until Nolen called after the game was that he scored the winning point off of a free throw shot. I was so proud of him and his team. Between them all they really pulled off a big win. They did a great job. I need to take his picture and post on here maybe tomorrow. For tonight I am wore out from those Babies!!! We had a great time and I loved the week that I spent with them.

Aunt T loves you Ethan and Eli!!!!